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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

20 Minutes Birthday Dinner.

So, the adults were saying that they're gonna organise a birthday dinner for my grandpa and of ALL days, they actually wanted it to be on Monday, 7:00pm. Malaysian time: 7:30pm

Me: WHAT?! I have class on Monday night.
Mum: Take your dinner then off to your class.
Me: This is soooo unfair!!!

I know I shouldn't have kicked up such a fuss about it but I rather not attend that dinner than leave in the middle of it. The feeling is just so not right. But I knew, I have to go, no matter what. There's no way I can escape from it but, well, unless something bad happen to me. Touchwood.

Eventually I got my mum talked me into attending that dinner willingly. I gave in. Honestly, I hated the idea of going out when I don't feel right. I had trouble looking for the right attire. I some sort like having bad hair day and the list goes on. ARGH!! Food was only served at about 7:40pm and I didn't get to eat much because I was paranoid about getting late to class. I wasn't late anyway. ;)

First thing my student said when she saw me was:-
"Teacher, why your earring so big one?!"

-S W E A T-


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