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I Write Sins, Not Tragedies

Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Patrick...

I don't know what's wrong with the haze today. It just got more and more hazzy. I closed all the doors and windows but I still smell smoke. Euw.. Made me feel like getting sick only. Dang! And the weather forecast said it'll rain today. Learnt my lesson: Never ever trust that weather forecast.

Spent my day fixing my blog; need to make it more reader friendly. Then, packed my bro's room (because he's bringing his girlfriend home this Friday) and my own room. It was just then I suddenly gave a thought on my birthday presents I received last year. Few months before my birthday in 2005, I gave a shoutout in my Friendster:

"I want a Patrick for my birthday this year!!!"

*with a picture of sis's Patrick as my primary photo*

Not to say that I couldn't afford to get one but it's really really nice to have a Patrick from someone; well, at least any of my friends. My dream came true when a friend, William, came to my working place and pass me the Patrick I wanted on my birthday. After 10 months, my fraternal brother finally managed to pass me a Patrick he bought.

It sure did make me feel good and thankful for getting what I had wanted. Perhaps, I should make another shoutout this year.

Hey, I am just making my friends' life easier; I wouldn't want them to crack their brain just to think about my birthday present. LOL.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

20 Minutes Birthday Dinner.

So, the adults were saying that they're gonna organise a birthday dinner for my grandpa and of ALL days, they actually wanted it to be on Monday, 7:00pm. Malaysian time: 7:30pm

Me: WHAT?! I have class on Monday night.
Mum: Take your dinner then off to your class.
Me: This is soooo unfair!!!

I know I shouldn't have kicked up such a fuss about it but I rather not attend that dinner than leave in the middle of it. The feeling is just so not right. But I knew, I have to go, no matter what. There's no way I can escape from it but, well, unless something bad happen to me. Touchwood.

Eventually I got my mum talked me into attending that dinner willingly. I gave in. Honestly, I hated the idea of going out when I don't feel right. I had trouble looking for the right attire. I some sort like having bad hair day and the list goes on. ARGH!! Food was only served at about 7:40pm and I didn't get to eat much because I was paranoid about getting late to class. I wasn't late anyway. ;)

First thing my student said when she saw me was:-
"Teacher, why your earring so big one?!"

-S W E A T-

Monday, October 02, 2006


I'm back...! For good perhaps... I'm learning to enjoy the freedom of blogging. You got it right! FREEDOM...
I can blog whatever I want coz THIS IS MY BLOG! =)

I guess I go cuckooed already. Finally Streamyx is up around my area! Woohooo! Long live broadband!

Loads of email to reply. Loads of messages to reply. Loads of sorry to type. My life is so plugged in with Internet that I'll die of not being able to go online. This is REALLY bad. Sometimes, I made my mum wonders what is so nice about being online. Guess she won't understand afterall.

One thing that really made me happy was, I caught my eldest sis reading my blog the other day. G-O-T-C-H-A!

Hang out with Leng and May in Starbucks. The three of us finally got the chance to meet up after soooo long!! And this time, Leng is with her short hair while May is with her rebonded hair.
Me?? Still the same with bigger fishballs on my cheeks...

the short hair, the big fishball, and the rebonded hair

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